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Showing posts from December, 2017
A Poem by Christina Hoover "A child in Hell” Haunted by the past, Fears come to get me, Feelings of numbness and pain, Darkness in a cast, Confusion is all I see, "My innocense has been stolen from me!" I want to scream it loud and clear! The monster lurks and with his eyes he threatens, Pain follows as he draws near! True to his word, death descends, The beatings begin... I obey, it never ends. They call me insane, No one to be named, I will be the thing blamed, Nightmares and screaming, Blackness is deepening, Memories surround me, No one is near  to see, A death that is endless, Betrayed by my own feelings, Life has no meaning, Ocean of tears, Voices remind me of my fears, Why did they even want an adoption? Fleeing is no option, Slashed, but not gone, Smashed and used, Backed into a lair, I yell, but no one is there, Why don't I ever belong? I am just another pawn, Trapped and bruised, Hurt and...
Grateful By Christina Hoover So grateful for my sight, To see the world around me, The sun, the moon, the stars so bright, A bird sitting in a tree, I ponder what it must be like, To be blind and never have seen, The light of a candle in the night, Or the color of grass so green, To have ears but never have heard, The sound of the ocean, The song of a bird, Don't take things for granted, Is the lesson of this poem, We must not forget,  That life is but a loan.
If They Only Knew By Christina Hoover So small, so precious, Formed by God above, The beautiful baby fetus, A gift that should be loved, Yet people hurt and murder you, Abortion is what it’s called, If they only knew, They would be appalled, Pro-choice is their view, And yet no choice for you, Upon small corpses you are sprawled, If they only knew, They hold nature too high esteemed, Trees are life anew, Yet the unborn life they will not deem, If they only knew, What to speak,  What to do, The future looks bleak, If they only knew.